The Secrets of Moses and Exodus

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Egypt and Bible Series

by Joseph Davidovits

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SKU: 9782951482081 Category: ISBN: 9782951482081


EGYPT and the BIBLE series

  1. The Secrets of Joseph the Patriarch
  2. The Secrets of the Merneptah-Israel Stele
  3. The Secrets of Moses and Exodus
  4. The Secrets of the Temple of Solomon

The cover photo displays an Egyptian stele known as the Foundation Decree of Joseph-Amenophis Son of Hapu’s Memorial Temple at Karnak, dating back to 1356 BC. It was probably brought to London at the beginning of the Nineteenth century AD with the famous Rosetta Stone. It bears the inventory number 138, visible on the upper right, which sets the old age of the artefact in the British Museum. It is one of the oldest known Egyptian archaeological records and Professor Joseph Davidovits uses it to determine the cause and date of Exodus, around 1050 BC. Surprisingly, biblical historians and other scholars have never considered it relevant in their research.

The first sentences of the Decree engraved in stone are providing valuable historical information. Pharaoh Amenhotep III read them after the death of Amenophis Son of Hapu (the biblical patriarch Joseph): “ On this day, one (=the king) was in the ka-chapel of the hereditary prince, count, king’s-scribe, Amenophis. There were brought in: the governor of the city, and vizier, Amenhotep, the overseer of the treasury, Meriptah, and the king’s-scribes of the army… One said to them in the presence of his majesty, L.P.H.: “Hear the command which is given, to furnish the ka-chapel of the hereditary prince, the royal scribe, Amenophis, called Huy, Son of Hapu, the Just, in order to perpetuate his ka-chapel with servants, male and female, forever; son to son, heir to heir; in order that none trespass upon it forever…” ”

Joseph-Amenophis Memorial Temple is governed by a royal decree that prohibits anyone from recruiting, employing by force personnel assigned to the Memorial Temple Foundation. In other words, the persons belonging to the Foundation (priests, scholars, servants, farmers) are free from drudgery, and may not be enlisted in the army. This was also the attribute of the Sons of Levi, the Levites, who enjoyed the same privilege. For Professor Davidovits, The Sons of Levi are the priests of this Memorial Temple Foundation. Moses was their superintendent. The violation of this Decree by one pharaoh of the Twenty First Dynasty around 1050 BC, was the cause of Exodus, 200 years after Ramses II.

The book holds:

  • 125 pages
  • 7 chapters
  • 1 appendix
  • 23 figures and pictures

ISBN: 9782951482081

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