Geopolymer Special Event at ICC2, July 01, 2008, Verona, Italy

The 2nd International Ceramic Conference is organized by major international institutions: American Ceramic Society, European Ceramic Society and Asian Ceramic Society. Its President, Dr. Nicola Babini asked the Geopolymer community to organize a Geopolymer Special Event. This is a great opportunity for us. We shall tell to the world that an ecological high-tech, environmentally friendly, ceramic-like technology exists !

It is not a regular Geopolymer Conference. The Workshop will highlight and present a summary of the scientific and technological state of art, the actual market picture and the foreseen industrial developments.

The Geopolymer Event is chaired by Prof. Joseph Davidovits and comprises 3 parts:

1) Geopolymer State of the Art: from 3:00 pm to 4:20 pm

  • Introduction (5 min): Joseph Davidovits (France)
  • Structure and Science (15 min.): Ken Mackenzie (New Zealand)
  • High-tech ceramics and refractories (15 min.): Trudy Kriven/Bell (USA)
  • Radioactive and hazardous waste (15 min.): Dan Perera (Australia)
  • Geopolymer concrete, Economic feasibility (15 min.): van Deventer/Provis/Duxson (Australia)
  • Low tech ceramic building materials (15 min.): C. Kaps / A. Buchwald (Weimar, Germany).

After the 5 presentations, we shall ask the audience to write down any questions or comments. Then, we shall select the more representative topics to be discussed during the Round Table.

2) Round Table discussion: from 4:20 to 5:15 pm involving the 6 speakers;

3) Poster presentation: from 5:15 to 7:00 pm, within the framework of Theme 4, Geopolymer. All research groups may present posters covering all aspect of their researches.


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Professor Joseph Davidovits
Chair, Geopolymer Special Event
ICC2 International Ceramic Conference,
Verona, Italy, June 30-July 04, 2008