Geopolymer and ArchaeologyAncient geopolymers in South-American Monuments, Part IV(*): use of natural andesite volcanic sand (not crushed).Editor29 Dec 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 36-43 By Prof. Joseph Davidovits,...
Geopolymer and ArchaeologyCarbunculus, Géologie et construction dans le De architectura de Vitruve.Editor9 Dec 2020Journal on Geopolymer Science Applied to Archaeology 2020, Vol. 1, p. 10-35 By Frédéric Davidovits, Ph....
PyramidsDeep Misleading Publications by GeologistsEditor18 May 2020Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
Library#27 Ferro-sialate Geopolymers (-Fe-O-Si-O-Al-O-)Editor11 Jan 2020Technical Paper #27 published January 2020: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25792.89608/2 Ferro-sialate Geopolymers...
WebinarWebinar Spring 2017: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Apr. 11-1216 Jan 2017 IMPORTANT: We are changing the format of our Webinar - Q&A session only! Outline of the talk: For...
FAQFAQ for artificial stone supportersEditor3 Aug 2016Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The evidences Pyramids (3) The formula, the invention...
Video[video] Webinar Spring 2016: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Apr. 19-2028 Mar 2016Videos This free webinar covers various aspects of the geopolymer science and applications. Yet, you will...
VideoWebinars Videos Collection5 May 2015Webinar Spring 2016 This free webinar covers various aspects of the geopolymer science and applications....
WebinarWebinar Fall 2014: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Nov. 25-269 Nov 2014 IMPORTANT: We are changing the format of our Webinar - Q&A session only! Outline of the talk: For...
Video[video] Webinar Spring 2014: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Apr. 8-924 Mar 2014 Recorded Videos of the Free Geopolymer Webinar Spring 2014: Talk 1 and Talk 2, April 8-9,...
WebinarWebinar Fall 2013: Geopolymer Web Workshop, Oct. 15-164 Sep 2013We had a strong attendance (ca. 200 registered participants split between the two daily sessions). The videos are...
NewsRed geopolymer cement could become the standard7 Aug 2012At the recent Geopolymer Camp 2012 (july 09-11), Prof. Joseph Davidovits presented his view on why geopolymer cement...
PyramidsAre Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? (1)Editor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Buy your book at Why the pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones Pyramids (1)...
PyramidsPyramids (2) The evidencesEditor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsPyramids (3) The formula, the invention of stoneEditor10 Apr 2006Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (1) Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete? Pyramids (2) The...
PyramidsThe Famine Stele: hieroglyphs on pyramids construction9 Apr 2006Summary of the Conference by Joseph Davidovits Vth International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt, Oct....
ApplicationsGeopolymer cement for storage of toxic and radioactive wastes7 Apr 2006GEOpolymeric Cements for Innocuous Stabilisation of Toxic EleMents Geosynthesis of Rock-based Geopolymer cements...
ApplicationsHazardous and radioactive waste encapsulation treatment7 Apr 2006GEOPOLYTECH: Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management The patented GEOPOLYTECH technology is based on the use of...
ApplicationsPotential utilizations in Art and Decoration7 Apr 2006Georges Grimal, a French sculptor and painter, stated: Lighting has tremendous importance in sculpture. I call...
FAQPyramid: Cement and Concrete expert agrees!6 Apr 2006My name is Prof. Mario Collepardi and I am a professor of "Materials Science and Technology" at the Politecnico of...
FAQDifference between geopolymer and amorphous zeolite6 Apr 2006What is the mechanistic implications of the higher concentration of precursors in the case of geopolymer formation? In...
FAQPyramids: opponents missing the big picture?6 Apr 2006A letter from David Martin about Davidovits’ pyramid theory that illustrates how narrow minded people behaved when...
Technical papers#13: Solidifaction of various radioactive waste in geopolymer and long-term stability4 Apr 2006Solidification of various radioactive residues by géopolymère with special emphasis on long-term-stability by E....
Archaeological papers#E: Searching for Carbunculus (“A la recherche du Carbunculus”)4 Apr 2006A la recherche du Carbunculus (searching for Carbunculus) by Frédéric Davidovits, Université de Caen published in...
Archaeological papers#A: X-Ray analysis of Pyramids’ casing stones and their limestone quarries4 Apr 2006by Joseph Davidovits published in Science in Egyptology, Proceedings of the Science in Egyptology Symposia,...
LibraryPapers discussing Davidovits pyramid theory30 Mar 2006Microstructural Evidence of Reconstituted Limestone Blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Barsoum, M. W.,...
NewsNew Paper: Development of silicate-based cement from glassy alkaline volcanic rocks18 Jun 2003Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vidrio, 42 69-78 (2003) Development of silicate-based cement from glassy alkaline volcanic...